FAQs | Frequently Asked Immigration Questions
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to immigration!


Q: What Can I Do if I Am Facing Deportation? Can You Help Me

A. If you are facing deportation, it is important that you retain the services of a York immigration attorney. There are steps Rosina C. Stambaugh can take to protect you, including representation in all hearings and building a defense strategy for you.

Q: Are There Different Types of Green Cards? How Do I Know Which Is Right for Me?

A: There are many types of green cards, including family-based and employment-based green cards. You will need to consider what interests bring you to the United States and pursue the right type of green card.

Q: Is Family-Based Immigration Right for Me?

A: You will need to meet with an experienced lawyer to determine what type of visa is right for you. However, if you have a fiancé, spouse, or family member who is a U.S. citizen, family-based immigration may be the appropriate avenue for you. If you are a lawful permanent resident, you can also sponsor your family

Q: What Types of Nonimmigrant Visas Exist?

A: Nonimmigrant visas are issued to let you come to the United States for a short amount of time for a specific purpose. This may include for traveling, studying, investing, or an employment opportunity.

Q: What is DACA?

A: DACA is short for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which was established in 2012, announcing that individuals who came to the U.S. as children who meet certain requirements can request deferred action for 2 years.

Q: Someone I Know Has Been Detained by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (Ice). How Do I Get Him or Her Released?

A: Individuals detained by ICE are held in prisons and detention centers around the United States. Some individuals are eligible to ask for a bond, while others are held under mandatory detention and have no right to a bond. Individuals can be detained for weeks before getting a bond hearing. If someone you know is being detained in York County Prison or the surrounding area, it is vital to contact our office to assist you in this process.

Q: Where Can I Pay My Bond in Pennsylvania?

A: Bond can be paid at acceptance facilities in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and York, Pennsylvania. You can find specific details on each location here – https://www.ice.gov/ice-ero-bond-acceptance-facilities

York Immigration Lawyer FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you currently trying to obtain a visa or your green card? Or are you struggling with any other issue pertaining to immigration law? You can rely on Rosina C. Stambaugh from The Law Office of Rosina C. Stambaugh to provide you with reliable counsel and legal advice. She is here to guide you and ensure you are aware of your rights and options, as well as to answer any questions you may have.

To learn more about how Rosina C. Stambaugh can help you, call her office today at 717-900-1818.

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